5 things that you should keep in mind on Social Media sites.

we are the people of this modern era. We generally like to spend our time on Social Media. As the online world takes up most of our time we need to more concerned about our social media life. Here I want to share some words about what you should avoid from social media sites. These things will help you to lead better social media times.

1. Don't just scroll, make a better plan.

Sometimes we just keep scrolling for no reason. That is the thing that we just have to avoid. It's better to do something else when you are not finding anything that you're interested in.

At this time you can do other things. For example, view some of the pages that you recently liked. Cause you only have given like to those pages that you actually like. So, visit there. You will find joy in there. 
Besides, you can follow up on some new pages or groups that make you feel better on social media.

2. Don't do anything over.

Sometimes we just do some silly things that we should avoid. When you are adding some new people to your profile keep in mind that almost every social media has a limit of adding people. 

It will be better to set a good schedule or timing. Grow your plan slowly and make a plan. Be aware of all the rules and restrictions that the site has.

3. Do not overshare.

We like to share our personal feelings on social media, that's good. But we should keep in mind that people get bored when someone keeps posting all the time, Don't do it. 

It's better to share 1 qualities post then sharing 10 posts that makes the people bore. As it may harm your reputation, so always concern about this fact.

4. Ask questions about your connection.

In the case of every social media, connections (friend, follower, connect) are the most important matter that we also care about. We should have some good plans to stay connected with them as much as possible.

Try to ask some questions to them. Post polls by asking some relevant questions on recent topics. It will help to build better importance on them.

5. Always try to give a response.

It's annoying that you have given a comment on a post and the author didn't respond to you. Everyone is the same in this matter. If someone has done something good, if you are able to respond, don't wait for it just make it happen. They'll be happy about it and will stay connected with you.

Stay connected with me for getting more Social Media related information.


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